All Contents of, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2013 Tess Cooper.

OK, I totally got my days mixed up. But here it is, the conclusion to "Inquiring Minds Want to Know." Thanks so much to my son's idea of having a kid playing with a vibrator like a rocket ship and my husband making this little idea so funny.
You may ask, How did your son end up coming up with a comic idea about a kid playing with a vibrator? Well, for those of you that do not know it, I make "Buzzy Buddies" now, which are cute little stuffed jellybeans with a vibrator in them that makes them spin. I sold a few at Dragon Con and some of the ones I sold were to parents for their kids. At first I was hesitant and then I thought, "they do not know what it is and it is all fixable with a little bit of glue." I got some nasty letters from people who were mortified that I sold sex toys to children. I did not sell sex toys to children. I sold them to their parents and it was their business if they gave them to their kids. Anyway, to those kids, it was nothing but a silver bullet propulsion system. It looked like nothing to them and was not a sexual object in any way. Besides, don't you know that any toy (virtually) can be an adult sex toy? The key is location. Have you not seen Hex Bugs? I rest my case.
Until next time.......
Thanks so much for sticking around and enjoying my Forkin' Odyssey. :)
Tess :)
Inquiring Minds
Want to know: Part 2
(mouseover panel 1)
Creative Contributor:
Austin Jennings
Edited by:
Chuck Cooper