All Contents of, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2013 Tess Cooper.

OK, sorry the update is really late. It is another one my son and I came up with. Should I admit that? He does have a serious case of middle school humor. :)
I know it has been quite some time since I updated last and I figure it is time to let people know what is going on. Quite simply, I have done too much and I am experiencing the effects. For those of you that read my little "blogs" at the bottom of the updates, you know that I have been screened for MS. While they are not calling it MS at this point, I am being followed by a MS specialist for now to see if that is indeed what is going on. When I came back from Dragon Con, the bottom dropped out of my world. While Dragon Con was AMAZING, it had its effect on me and I have been in and out of the doctors office since returning. I apologize for delay on everything and I believe, for a while you, should expect things not to be timely because I am just not feeling well right now. I can tell you that this comic will continue. It means too much to me, but I am going to have to listen to my body more than I have in the past and cut my appearances down to maybe 3 per year. More than that and I think I risk health complications. I am concerned if I will be well enough to attend Stan Lee's Comikaze in October. At any rate, I did not want any of you to think that I bailed on the comic. I will finish it and the game but I may just be princess late pants for a while. So, if you are not a fan of checking for updates and there not being one here. I will be posting when I will be posting dates for updates on the main page instead of a set schedule until I feel better.
Thanks so much for sticking around and enjoying my Forkin' Odyssey. :)
Tess :)
Inquiring Minds
Want to know: Part 1
Creative Contributor:
Austin Jennings
Edited by:
Chuck Cooper