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All Contents of www.littleforkers.com, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2012 Tess Cooper.  

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Little Forkers Q & A

Q:  When was the Little Forkers Webcomic Started?

A:  The Little Forkers were created in 2008 and started as just some bent up forks.  They later became greeting cards.  The final evolution to a webcomic began in 2011 when "The Forkin' Odyssey" was started.  The first issue, "The Forkin' Odyssey:  The First Fork Up," was released in April 2012 at C2E2 and was released as a webcomic with a regular update schedule at the end of May that same year. 

Q:  What drugs was Tess on when  she thought of Little Forkers?

A:  Actually, none.   There are no limits to what you can think of with a bent mind.

Q:  Crazy Forker:  Y U No wear pants?

A:  Most all of the characters were created as a sort of therapy following a MVA.  They were not intended as characters, but as therapy after a wreck.  They evolved into the comic.  

Q:  How would you describe your comic?

A:  I would describe our webcomic, comic or web comic as:  amazing, new, fresh, different,  interactive , strange, unusual, colorful, alternative, live action, and odd.  Yeah, that was totally for bots.   I hope it works.   ;)

Q:  So, do you all make a lot of money with your comic?

A:  Not yet. ;)  Right now, it is something we just do as a mother-daughter team.    Maybe one day it will be a source of income, but, right now, it is just "family fun."  

Thanks for giving a fork and reading  :)
Now Updating "Indie Style"