All Contents of, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2013 Tess Cooper.

OK, to say that updating on time has been difficult would be the understatement of the year for me. I will have to level with you. I have been just so burned out and down on everything. It is not that Little Forkers hasn't done well; it has, excluding my recently falling stats due to my lack of updates. The problem is just that whatever is causing the neurological problems of late, has really got me down. I am just wondering how I can market a comic at conventions when I am having trouble walking these days. I keep hoping for things to get better, but they don't. So, I would appreciate any happy thoughts you can send my way. The upside of all of this is that I now have handicapped parking and will enjoy rock star parking this holiday shopping season. :) The down side is that I just cannot seem to get over not getting to do Comikaze and am looking at not doing conventions anymore. :( I just hope they soon figure out what my problem is or it just gets better. I start physical therapy on Monday. :) Maybe we can get things headed in good right direction. :) Thank you so much for continuing to read. These problems will pass and at some point I will get back to a regular schedule. It is just now, things are kind of unpredictable.
On the upside. I hope to finish my game app before NC Comicon. I am not sure if I will be there or not. It may just be my spawn running things, but I hope to. Also, I am teaching myself Blender. I just never really liked how the animation looked that I started, so I went back to the drawing board. :)
Tess :)
Irena's Ooorgy
Part 2
mouseover panel 2
for a surprise
Edited by:
Chuck Cooper