All Contents of, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2012 Tess Cooper.
But she can't date him. This comic does not have mouseovers today :(
It is a one panel wonder so we can work on the site some.

I got this funny idea about a jelly bean dating a pistachio the other night (while eating pistachios) and this is what came out of my "tiney" brain. Although I had planned to finish the "Appropriately Inappropriate Characters" page for the update today and leave it at that, I just could not get myself to skip an update entirely. So I finished the page and did a little one panel wonder. I will probably still be expanding on the bios even more, but if you want to know a "tiney" bit of information about the characters, now you have it here. Over the weekend, I hope to have pics from where I made several of the characters, so you can see how I make my Little Forkers. On Wednesday, we will be back at the bail hearing for Calypso Ninja.
Adrienne and I are also trying to figure out RSS feeds and forums and comment systems, but we have not found any (comment Systems or forums) we are completely happy with and we are still cracking the code on RSS feeds. I hope we will have these in place soon. We are also, as you can tell, trying to make the site easier to get around and more friendly. :)
Thanks for giving a fork and reading. :)