All Contents of, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2012 Tess Cooper.
Forx News (Part 1) in HD Subliminal Captioning - mouseover first and last text bubbles and news story image for full effects :)
And now our top story tonight... The iconic Cheezy O's historic factory was apparently broken into Thursday night in what New Fork City Police are calling a case of corporate espionage. The alleged perpetrator, dressed in what witnesses describe as a Mariachi Band costume is believed to be the elusive Calypso Ninja who is wanted in several high profile cases currently under investigation. Police Chief Grubsteak stated that the perpetrator was allegedly involved in what appears to be a failed attempt to procure the all natural secret organic recipe for the popular snack Cheezy O's. Forx news made several attempts to contact Greedy M. Forker, CEO of cross town competitor, non-nutritious, Cheezy Balls, Inc. Mr. M. Forker was unavailable for comment.

About Becky Forkberg, Forx News and NFR: Becky Forkberg Worked at NFR (National Fork Radio), the New Fork City version of NPR. I suppose it is pretty obvious that Forx News might represent a current news channel. Becky got a very good offer for employement from Forx News and left NFR for this position. Most of my characters, if not all, have their little deamon they are dealing with. Becky's is balancing her desire for becoming a huge news media "star" with her own ideals.
What Happens when you elect a vampire to office. Find out what this blood sucking politician is up to on Saturday.