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Forkin' Fortunes

Edited by Chuck Cooper

OK, so I did not post on Monday.  I am sooooo sorry, but I seriously feel like a deer caught in the headlights right now.  I am not even sure how appropriate it is to talk about what is going on in my personal life, but if you have read the back story on Little Forkers, you know it started as therapy after an auto accident.  I literally was at home, unable to return to my job as a nurse, sitting around bending forks and dressing them up and the only reason I can give you as to why was literal brain damage.  I am sure my kids were worried.  I mean, their mom has never been wrapped too tight, but coming home to 30 forks painted on a table for no good reason at all had to be at least somewhat alarming.    At any rate, Little Forkers remains a sort of therapy for me, now in the form of "blogging" I suppose about what is happening now.  If you have read the last few updates, you know I had a MRI come back a "tiney" bit abnormal.  It could be nothing or it could be early MS.   So, I went last Friday to have a spinal tap.  After explaining to my PA that they had to stick me several times in the past for spinal anesthesia, it was decided to reschedule for tomorrow with fluroscopy.   So, for the past several days, all that goes through my mind is "do I have MS?"  It is the ONLY thing I can think about.  Hopefully, soon I will have my answer.  Honestly, if it comes back that I do have MS, maybe I can control all of the headaches and other symptoms I have been having and get on with the things I really enjoy, like working on this comic.    If it comes back negative, I don't know what to think of that other than "I have the most forked up migraines in the entire world."

On a side note,  I am still trying to learn animation and my son is trying to help me with making a flash game.  No timeline on when that will come to pass, but as soon as I get all of this sorted out, I will have a better idea.

Thanks for giving a fork and reading.

XOXO  Tess :)