If you have not clicked on the image above, click here before reading any further or the punchline will be ruined.
Have you done it yet? If the answer is yes, you can keep reading now. ;)
So, last week, my husband and my good friend, Sarah, both had their birthdays. When I got on Facebook, it said. It is Chuck's Birthday. Send him a gift. Anyway I clicked and it said: Chuck likes Cafe Press..... get him a gift card. Next, I was thinking about how facebook stalks me. I know this because of all of the shoe ads on the sides of my page. Those naughty cookies. Are THEY gluten free? Well, that was probably not as funny as I thought, but whatever. Anywho, I thought, what if facebook knows EVERY site you get on and which ones you like the most and this information was used in tailoring the birthday gifts? Hmmmm.... What would that look like for my character Irena? So, I decided to add this little detour in the "story line." Honestly, I like to do that, add bits of funny or at least what I think is funny. I had hoped to put up the first panel of the next series, but building this update with the "mock facebook/forkbook" page took a tiney bit longer than planned. Oh Yeah, the Pussies on Parade link REALLY works and will take you to some AWESOME Cat Art by some Amazingly Awesome Cat people. :)
So, at least I am getting the update done before the end of the day. ;)
I have absolutely NO idea when I will start getting the updates done in the mornings or when I will get ahead of my update schedule and have that long desired "cushion". I suppose I can dream. :)
Thanks for giving a fork and reading.
XOXO Tess :)