All Contents of, The Little Forkers Webcomic and The Forkin' Odyssey, are Copyright 2010-2012 Tess Cooper.
The Secret Life of Becky Forkberg: Part 2
Mouseover panel 1 and 3 for HDSC
Creative Contributor:
Sarah Jarvis
Chuck Cooper

Bitter much? Yeah, I don't think Muffy is over Becky getting the anchor job. What do you think?
Sorry the update is a little late ....... again. I hope to stick to my schedule soon. As of Friday, it looks like we will be in Booth 1154 at C2E2; however, these things are subject to change,. This is only my second year at the show and, as it turns out, people with more seniority can snitch your booth preference. I have already been moved once, but I think we still have a pretty awesome spot. We are not too far from what I consider to be some of the "gods" of webcomics, Cyanide and Happiness. However, I suppose they could move too, but my girls hope they don't. :)
Sarah is coming over this evening for a grand meeting on strategery. Yes, I know that is not a word.
On another note, my super fabulous daughter is starting her own webcomic, "Core." You can follow her work on facebook for now by clicking here.
Thanks for giving a fork and reading. :)